Tone your pelvic floor safely from the comfort of your home.
Tone Your Pelvic Floor in 4 Weeks
A self-paced online course to teach you the most effective movements and breath practices that create a strong and flexible pelvic floor.
Not ready for the course?
Get started with my FREE guide:
The Top 3 Exercises to Tone Your Pelvic Floor
The Benefits of Toning Your Pelvic Floor
You're a woman with a pelvic floor imbalance who's ready to exercise with confidence, strengthen your core, and improve your flexibility.
You've tried Kegels, can't find a routine you can stick to, and maybe you've even seen a physical therapist.
But you're still experiencing signs of imbalance such as discomfort, tightness, weakness, incontinence, or abdominal separation.
You're ready for a holistic approach to restore the health of your pelvic floor so you can live life on your terms!
You're frustrated because...
You want to do more energizing workouts, but your core doesn't feel strong enough.
You haven't found simple pelvic floor exercises to easily integrate into your daily life.
You haven't fully recovered from childbirth, surgery, or injury — even if it was years ago.
You worry that you'll pee when you exercise, sneeze, or lift your kids.
Imagine what it would feel like to...
Feel confident to do activities without fear of leakage or injury...
Recover from childbirth, surgery, or injury—even many years later...
Strengthen your deep core, improve your posture, and enhance your flexibility...
...without doing Kegels all day!
Tone Your Pelvic Floor in 4 Weeks!
Tone Your Pelvic Floor in 4 Weeks is a self-paced online program for women with pelvic floor imbalances to safely release and strengthen their pelvic floor so they can do physical activities without fear of leakage, improve flexibility, and strengthed their core without doing multiple Kegels.
At the end of your 4 weeks,
you'll walk away with:
A simple 10-minute daily routine that maintains balanced pelvic floor health.
Quick pelvic floor exercises you can integrate into your day and workouts.
Connection to a community of women on a similar journey.
Lifetime access to the course, including updates or added bonuses.
Lifestyle tips for sitting, standing, and lifting to keep your pelvic floor healthy.
Supportive tools for womb healing including essential oils and meditation.
Learn how to safely restore pelvic floor health in just 10 minutes a day so you can feel confident doing the activities you love!